Master, what kind of flower do you like?
え? 急にどうしたんだ、[HF]。 Eh? That's pretty sudden, [HF].
いいから、質問に答えてよ。ご主人様は、どんな花が好き? Come on, answer my question. What kind of flower do you like?
ううん、そうだな。……夏に咲くヒマワリ、とかかな。 Hmm, fine... The sunflowers that bloom in summer, probably.
夏に咲くヒマワリ? ふふっ、ご主人様に似合わず爽やかね、それは。 The sunflowers that bloom in summer? Fufu, that's new, even though they don't fit you at all.
でも、どうしたんだ急に。そんな事聞くなんて。 Really though, why so sudden? Asking such a thing.
華道をしていたんだから、花の事を聞いてもおかしくないでしょ? I'm arranging flowers, so of course I'd talking about them, no?
それは……まあ、そうだね。確かにその通りだ。 Well... Yeah, I guess. That's true.
でしょ? ご主人様こそ、メイドの言葉を勘ぐり過ぎよ。 Right? You're too suspicious of what your maids say, Master.